this is a creat there are 2 types and depending on which one you find you will get health supplies or building supplies these will give you 90 percent of all your matearials
these are two types of trees in the game the one on the bottom gives six wood and the one on top gives 4
this is an ore not to sure what it does yet i know you need it to craft a rifle thogh
i made this fire place cooked my chicken survived the night and then a wolf killed me
this is the wolf that killed me on my first second day
i went on to the top of the mountain and took this screen shot because the wolf made me sad
after not knowing what fibers looked like for a long time found out they look like this their used to make rope
this is a bear attacking me he doesn't get as triggered as the wolf but that is probably because he is big and avoidable
this is when the war started between me and the wolfs
i got killed 1 times
i got killed 2 times i tried to get the screen shot of the chicken when this feller killed me but the chickens are a good source of food if you have a fire they also give feathers or you could domesticate them and have them lay eggs for you
i got killed 3 times
but then i got my revenge
and that is all i wanted so i jumped on a cliff
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